Daughter Societies
The Dartmoor Pony Society based in the United Kingdom is the Mother Society as the Origin of the breed originated on Dartmoor in Devon in the South West of England.
The unique characteristics of the Dartmoor Pony has endeared itself to many enthusiasts and ponies have been exported to all parts of the World. In a number of cases these enthusiasts have formed local groups, and as the numbers of ponies have increased these groups have established their own stud books. However in certain countries their ponies have to be registered through their Government or State Agencies.
The primary aim of Daughter Societies is to ensure that all animals wherever they are bred conform to the requirements and criteria of the Mother Society by close liaison between Mother and Daughter Societies.
However due to the timescale between the first ponies being exported to various countries and the formation of Daughter Societies and government and state agencies including them within their own framework of rules, it is vitally important that the breeding of all animals traded within their own national borders or exported to other countries are fully traceable and do conform not only with the present but also the past requirements laid down by the Mother Society that were in force prior to and since the time the blood line was exported.
Daughter Societies
- Australia
- Belgium
- France
- Germany
- Holland
- Norway
- Denmark
- Sweden