Downloadable Forms
Get quick access to all the forms you need to help manage your Dartmoor Pony here. Up to date information about fees can be found in the most recent Dartmoor Diary or from the Passport Administrator – see Contacts page.
The Dartmoor Pony Society wishes to acknowledge the generosity of the Horse Race Betting Levy Board without whose support Grants and Premiums could not be given.
Registration Forms
Registration forms must be requested from the Secretary as they are specific to the year and can need frequent alteration due to legislation changes.
Transfer Forms
Application Forms
Microchipping notification for older ponies
Please return form below to Mrs C Lovat, Dartmoor Pony Society, Hutton Grange Farm Great Rollright Chipping Norton OX7 5SQ
Please be aware that all equines NOT already microchipped now have to be microchipped.
Duplicate Passport required
Please contact the Passport Administrator who will send you an individual duplicate request form identifying the animal and on which you need to confirm why you require a copy passport. A vet will have to re-identify and, if necessary, microchip the pony.