The Dartmoor Pony Society welcomes all new members.
The Dartmoor Pony Society wishes to acknowledge the generosity of the Horse Race Betting Levy Board without whose support Grants and Premiums could not be given.
Membership Application Form
Details of our different membership levels and associated costs are presented below. To apply for membership of the Society please download, complete and return the membership application form here.
Please Note: All applications for membership are subject to approval by the Council of the Dartmoor Pony Society before acceptance.
Details for payment by bank transfer are on the membership form and given below:
Lloyds Bank Account: Dartmoor Pony Society, Sort code 30-96-23, Account No. 00807482
2024 Memberships are now available to both new and re-joining members. The forms are slightly different, could new members please use the Green New Members form and re-joining members please use the Pink Subscription renewal form. As the Society moves towards sending correspondence digitally (with the exception of the Diary), you will see there is now an option for correspondence to be posted. This option is for members who don’t have access to a computer and the postage fee will increase annually until it covers costs.

Full Membership (England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland)
For current members the cost of annual membership is £35.00 rising to £40 from 1st March. Subscriptions are due on the 1st January each year. New members should refer to the Membership Application Form for correct fee to accompany their application for membership.
Benefits of full Membership:
- Register/transfer ponies in the Stud Book or Supplementary Register at reduced rates
- Exhibit at the Dartmoor Pony Society Championship Show
- Compete for the Society’s Special Rosettes and Trophies awarded at shows throughout the country
- Vote at the Annual General Meeting and Council Elections
- Apply for Grants and Premiums (provided at least two consecutive year’s subscriptions have been paid)
- Receive the Society’s magazine, newsletters and other free publications
- Enter the TopSpec Equine Performance Awards – Performance Cards are available from the Hon. Secretary at the cost of £6.00 per Pony.
Associate (England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland)
For current members the annual cost of Associate Membership is £25.00 rising to £30 from 1st March. Subscriptions are due on the 1st January each year. New members should refer to the Membership Application Form for correct fee to accompany their application for membership.
Benefits of Associate Membership:
- Exhibit at the Dartmoor Pony Society Championship Show
- Compete for the Society’s Special Rosettes and Trophies awarded at shows throughout the country
- Receive the Society’s magazine, newsletters and other free publications
- Enter the TopSpec Equine Performance Awards – Performance Cards are available from the Hon. Secretary at the cost of £6.00 per Pony.
Junior Membership (England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland)
(Eligible if you have not attained your 18th birthday by the 1st of January of the current year)
For current members the annual cost of Junior Membership is £20.00 rising to £25 from 1st March. Subscriptions are due on the 1st January each year. New members should refer to the Membership Application Form for correct fee to accompany their application for membership.
Benefits of Junior Membership:
- Exhibit at the Dartmoor Pony Society Championship Show
- Compete for the Society’s Special Rosettes and Trophies awarded at shows throughout the country
- Receive the Society’s magazine, newsletters and other free publications
- Enter the TopSpec Equine Performance Awards – Performance Cards are available from the Hon. Secretary at the cost of £6.00 per Pony.
Family Membership (England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland)
Two Adults and their children living at the same address.
Family membership conveys upon its two adult members the rights of Full Membership and the children the rights of Junior Membership with the exception that Family Members will receive only two annual magazines per household.
Enter the TopSpec Equine Performance Awards – Performance Cards are available from the Hon. Secretary at the cost of £6.00 per Pony.
For current members the annual cost of Family Membership is £75.00 rising to £80 from 1st March. Subscriptions are due on the 1st January each year. New members should refer to the Membership Application Form for correct fee to accompany their application for membership.
Overseas Membership
Associate Overseas European Membership
For current members the annual cost of Associate Overseas European Membership is £42.00 with a one off joining fee of £5. Subscriptions are due on the 1st January each year. New members should refer to the Membership Application Form for correct fee to accompany their application for membership.
Benefits of Associate Membership:
- Exhibit at the Dartmoor Pony Society Championship Show
- Compete for the Society’s Special Rosettes and Trophies awarded at shows in the U.K.
- Receive the Society’s magazine, newsletters and other free publications
Associate Overseas Non European Membership
For current members the annual cost of Associate Overseas Membership is £47.00 with a one off joining fee of £5. Subscriptions are due on the 1st January each year. New members should refer to the Membership Application Form for correct fee to accompany their application for membership.
Benefits of Associate Membership:
- Exhibit at the Dartmoor Pony Society Championship Show
- Compete for the Society’s Special Rosettes and Trophies awarded at shows in the U.K.
- Receive the Society’s magazine, newsletters and other free publications