Dartmoor Pony Society

82nd Dartmoor Pony Society Championship Show 2021

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82nd Dartmoor Pony Society Championship Show 2021

The 2021 Breed show will be held on Sunday 8 August, 2021 (dependent on Covid 19 laws in place at the time). See Shows Page for more information.

Wildness Survey

The Wildness Survey originally advertised in July 2019 is still open for responses (ignore closing date of 31.10.2019). See www.equine-wildness.uk for details of how to respond or email david-anthony-murray@hotmail.com for more details.

Dartmoor Dairy 2021

The Society’s 2021 Annual Year book will be the 50th edition so why not advertise in the 2021 Dartmoor Diary. See below for more information and entry forms.


Regrettably the Moorland Show due to take place on 6th September has been cancelled due to the on going coronavirus situation.
We look forward to seeing you all again in 2021.

New Council Members wanted!

Your Society needs some new Council Members for 2021. Anyone who has been a member for 5 years can apply.