After a break of two years due to Covid-19, the Dartmoor Pony Moorland Show is celebrating its 30th year with a combined Pony and Dog Show to be held on Sunday 4th September 2022, starting at 10am, at Old Playing Fields in Princetown.
The show is run by a small committee of which several members are involved with the Dartmoor Pony Moorland Scheme Committee, with secretarial support from the Duchy of Cornwall. The Duchy has long been involved in working with the Dartmoor Pony Society to help ensure a future for the Dartmoor pony and to encourage Dartmoor farmers to ‘breed up’ from moorland-bred non-pedigree ponies, to add to the pedigree gene pool. As Dartmoor ponies are listed at being ‘At Risk’ by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust, it is vital that people are encouraged to breed high quality ponies to help ensure a future for one of the UK’s much-loved equine breeds.
Dartmoors are especially good family ponies and as well as ‘show’ classes, both in-hand (led) and ridden, the Moorland Show is very much aimed at families and children in particular, with lead rein classes for children 3 years and upwards and young handler classes for youngsters aged 5-14 years.
The Show is for pedigree ponies registered with the Dartmoor Pony Society (DPS) and for those listed on the DPS Supplementary Register (SR).
The Family Dog Show has 12 classes including Best Youngster (18 months and under), Best Pedigree, Best Crossbreed, Most Handsome Dog and Prettiest Bitch. First prize winners will compete for the Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show. Rosettes 1st – 6th place. Entries on the field from 10.30 am and judging starts at 11 am. Entry is £1.00 per class.
Says John Jordan, Chairman of the Show Committee: “The Dartmoor Pony Moorland Show is well known as a wonderful family day out, encouraging people from all over the South West to take part in the showing, but also to have some fun. Everyone is welcome – and we promise an opportunity to see some superb Dartmoor ponies as well as a wide variety of lovely dogs!”
Fees for entering the Dartmoor pony classes before the Show (closing date is 22 August 2022) are just £4, rising to £8 on the day. Schedules are available from Anne Kelly, Duchy of Cornwall Office, Princetown, tel: 01822 890205.
Visitor admission is free, the show field is easy to find and will be well marked as you approach Princetown from any direction.
Refreshments will be supplied by Justine Colton of Tor Royal at Princetown and there will be a Raffle too! Further information from Sue Martin on 01822 880223.