Dartmoor Diary 2022 – request for copy and adverts
This is a call for stories, reports, updates, adverts and gallery entries for the Dartmoor Diary 2022. You can download instructions and the form for advertising by clicking links below. Remember this diary is written by members for members.
We welcome stories, updates and amusing tales about your ponies; please put pen to paper as we very much rely upon your invaluable input. Kindly be aware that it remains the Editor’s decision as to whether or not submitted articles will be used or shortened in length etc.
It is really easy to place an advert, gallery listing or stallion listing within the 2022 edition of the Dartmoor Diary. Adverts can be put together on your behalf, so you do not have to worry about how yours will look.
Don’t forget to check out the special early bird offer for the Dartmoor Diary 2022, whereby you will receive a reduced rate for any advert placed by 1st September with advert copy received by 15th September 2021. For all pricing details please refer to the booking form (see link below).