Byelaw c.3 Suspension with immediate effect
With DPS membership numbers low, fewer shows wishing to hold classes/affiliate and low class numbers, the Dartmoor Pony Society Council have agreed to suspend Byelaw C.3 until their next meeting in September.
With DPS membership numbers low, fewer shows wishing to hold classes/affiliate and low class numbers, the Dartmoor Pony Society Council have agreed to suspend Byelaw C.3 until their next meeting in September, when the rule will be fully discussed and updated.
For reference, Byelaw C.3 currently reads ‘Where there are two or more classes restricted to Dartmoor ponies only at a show, no member may exhibit unless the judge is from the DPS panel of judges for the year in question, in line with the NPS. The only exception is that if an affiliated show includes additional unaffiliated classes e.g. breed star shows, and it has not been possible to appoint a DPS panel judge (ideally B panel) for the unaffiliated classes, members may show under a non-DPS panel judge.’