Great result for senior Dartmoor at Olympia 2018
Blacknest Prince Hal. ridden by Sophie Stiles. won 5th place with 90 marks out of 100. The owner of Blacknest Prince Hal, Helen Cannings, said "One of the proudest days of my life!"

Real Time Imaging
Blacknest Prince Hal
Blacknest Prince Hal. ridden by Sophie Stiles. won 5th place with 90 marks out of 100. They were actually joint 4th at the end of the marking but the higher ride mark gets put up. He was the smallest pony in the ridden section with the youngest jockey. The owner of Blacknest Prince Hal, Helen Cannings, said “One of the proudest days of my life!”
Congratulations to you all!

Helen Cannings
Harry (Blacknest Prince Hal) at Olympia all ready for Christmas!