Dartmoor Pony Society

Dartmoor Pony Society Passport Office relocation

Category: Latest News

Dartmoor Pony Society Passport Office relocation

The Passport Office is being relocated on 1st January 2024 and will reopen 14th January 2024. See below for more details.

Dartmoor Diary 2024

Please consider advertising in or submitting a story for the Dartmoor Diary 2024. The details and booking form can be downloaded from link below. Please submit your advert and any copy as soon as possible and definitely before the deadline of 14th Jan 24.

DPS AGM Weekend 24th-25th February 2024

The DPS annual dinner will be held on 24th February 2024 at The Devon Hotel, Matford, Exeter EX2 8XU with the AGM and buffet lunch on 25th February at same location.

DPS Virtual Members Evening 26th October

Join with other interested members top a virtual get together, see below for topics under discussion.

31st DARTMOOR PONY MOORLAND SHOW Sunday 3rd September 2023

This Show at Princetown saw a Widecombe-bred stallion, Shilstone Rocks Lightning, take the Supreme Championship with Reserve Supreme Champion going to Barda Apollo, Thanks to Judge Heather Banbury and ring steward Hazel Pearse.